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Responsive web design

May 31, 2021

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With acclivitous web trends, having a good and responsive web design isn’t just a luxury but has become a necessity. Moreover, making a site mobile friendly is not just an alternative but a requisite for every business having an online presence.

A recent study has shown that more than 65% of web traffic comes from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. The research even demonstrated the figure of around 55% people not getting a good mobile web experience and out of those, an appropriation of 90% people preferred not to make further plans with the brands having poor mobile performance.

How does web design connect with SEO?

Web design was just another fish in the pond to attract the fishers of information until the Google talked about its initiative of ‘Mobile First Index’. But now, web designs are as important as it were never before. Your site ranking, your SEO grandness and everything else, now depends upon the designs you make for the mobile optimization.

Making the grounds clear, let’s pace up to what we are here to talk about.

Top SEO Benefits of Responsive Web Design

Level Up for Mobile-First Index

Responsive web designs were not that important until April 2018. As on that date, Google implemented the policy of ranking the sites on the basis of their mobile friendliness. Yes, now the responsive web designs are as important as search engine optimization and prime content. This means that if your site is not good to go for mobiles along with equal content, then you might have to face the music while ranking.

Never underestimate the User Experience

A customer is King! It’s the slogan of today’s business world. Your customer isn’t happy; it isn’t late when you’d be kicked from your own throne. A responsive web design pleases the eyes, favors the mobiles and pacifies the Google Norms. So, tighten up your reigns and make your site up to the mark and ace all the algorithms Google sets to rank up.

Cut off the Duplicity

Don’t get yourself wrong, but a lot many companies use both ‘desktop’ and ‘mobile’ versions to maintain their online presence. While doing such, developers make different but identical URLs. For instance,, Now here, we can understand that former URL is for desktop version and latter for the mobile version. But Google bots would consider those 2 different sites of different ventures and can impose high penalties for plagiarism. In this case, techniques of Mobile First come to rescue where you could simply design both the versions under the same URL.

Gear Up the Loading Speed

The extrapolations say that around 72% of people decide not to jaunt your site if they face loading delays and troubles. If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load, then My Dear, you are in a problem. Google’s algorithms also include the speed testing and loading timers. If you fail the standards, bury your dream of getting the top ranks.

Your site speeds are directly proportional to the customer experience and their likability to visit your site again.

As an optimistic businessman, you would definitely want your site to work well on both the desktops and phones. But do make sure that your site is responsive even on the moderate 3G and 2G phones.

Bring Down the Bounce Rate

How the user sees your website matters a lot. Make sure that you provide the best experience to the user. Because Google itself calculates your site according to the experience you provide.

As plowed earlier, most of the people use internet through their mobile phones and if you aren’t providing good mobile experience, you are in a hell lot of trouble.

If the user doesn’t find relevant information from your site, he might leave it hence increasing your bounce rate (how fast the user leaves your site). The quicker they leave, the higher the bounce rate is. A properly optimized mobile site with engaging and presentable information would surely pull the seekers and make them stay at your site for longer.

Final Comments

Techies Infotech is the SEO Company in Dubai offering high-end services in Web Design and Development. Always keeping itself updated with latest trends, this Best SEO Company in Dubai is always available to aid your web presence to make it more promising, dominant and in the good rankings with years of successful experience.

Deepak Kumar

I am an out of box thinker, mentor, digital marketing consultant to many businesses, love the software development industry, and even help businesses choosing the right technology for their product. I am an integrated marketer with extensive experience in the field to create profitable programs and provide innovative marketing and branding strategies to increase revenues, drive brand awareness, and solidify customer relationships. I educate businesses on how to leverage emerging technologies and digital marketing to stand out from the noise.

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