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digital marketing

December 28, 2018

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With the approaching of 2019, the digital marketing platform too is getting evolved. Now, the digital marketing would not just be encompassing around SEO, Social Media, PPC, and Content Writing; but would also be giving a prestigious place to Artificial Intelligence and Visual Search.

There are many trends and strategies which are going to get merged in the sector of digital marketing by the year 2019. These trends and strategies are getting evolved in the current high-tech, internet-connected era and their needs have risen from the past many years. Entrepreneurs need to implement these strategies in the businesses if they wish to succeed in an ever dynamic environment of 2019.

Here is a list of Key Digital Marketing Trends for 2019.

Artificial Intelligence

It is the prioritized need of tomorrow’s world. It gets out to gather the required information itself by getting into conversations. According to the latest research, by the year 2020, 25% of the businesses would be using chatbots, which would be up from less than 2% in 2017.

All over, a business adopting AI by the year 2019 would be able to save a lot of money, would accelerate growth, and would gradually get an edge over the competitors.


Chatbots, with no doubt, is going to be an indispensable part of Digital Marketing by the year 2019.

This is an AI-based service getting into the automatic conversation with your clients and site visitors. With over 1.2 billion people interacting with the chatbots, it has been estimated that by 2020, almost 81% of total business would be using them. It has also been estimated that by the year 2022, people would be able to save $8 billion per annum through chatbots. This technology would have an upper hand in the banking and healthcare industries.

The reason people prefer to interact with chatbots is that they are responsive and respond within a quick span of time. Not only that, but they are always technically correct and never lose their patience. To add on the benefits, they always maintain a chat history and are quick in providing the references.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising means letting the Artificial Intelligence buy the ads by itself so that you can target a more specific audience. This automation is very efficient and fast. Hence it tends to increase the conversions and lower customer acquisition costs.

It has such a wide and wise impact that it has been expected that 90% of the ads which we’ll see in 2020 would be automated.

Video Marketing

Videos are the rising needs of any enterprise or venture. Almost all the businesses today are taking the support of videos to rank high in the online world. Following extrapolations clear the facts:

  • 39% of the people call the vendors after viewing the videos of their business.
  • 72% of the businesses say that videos have improved their conversion rates.
  • 70% of customers tend to share a brand’s video within their circle.
  • 52% of the customers say that after watching a product video, they become more confident about buying the product online.

Youtube is the biggest evidence of business video promotions. Every day, numerous videos are uploaded on youtube which tends to increase the user engagement and further lead to business expansion.

Live video too is gaining popularity these days. Businesses nowadays are using live videos for interviews, product demos or the glimpses of events etc.

With the ever-decreasing cost of video equipment and ever-increasing quality of smartphone cameras, making good quality videos has now become very easy and businesses are shifting to personalized videos from phone calls or emails. This term is called 1:1 video approach. However, it is important to avoid any mistake while creating a video.

Youtube and other videos are also displayed in SERPs, hence SEO of videos has gained much importance.

These days, 360-degree video contents have attracted much of the user engagement. This gives the people an interactive experience as they can themselves move the image left or right.


If you want to be highlighted in 2019, you need to create a personalized marketing strategy. It means that you need to have personalized content, emails, products and even more.

According to a fact, 96% of marketers believe that customer relationships can be advanced by personalized services.

Influencer Marketing

Many social media celebrities have emerged in these years. These people have a good following and their word of mouth can influence many people.

So, businesses contact these people for advertising which has proven to be a boon business. They have good control over social media and charge much less amount than the movie and TV stars. These influencers could be YouTubers, Bloggers or people having a high following on other social media accounts.

Businesses have experienced around 60% increase in their workings with help of influencer marketing.

Visual Search

Visual search is a new way to reform the online world. With this advancement, a user need not type long queries rather he can just upload the image and get the relevant information about it.

Pinterest has dived to the pool of opportunities with this advancement and with its Lens (visual search tool), they are able to provide a better search experience to its users.

Google Lens, the visual search engine by Google, can recognize landmarks, objects, and other things visually through a camera app.

There are many other apps as well which can help in visual searches through mobile phones.

Marketers can ace at the competition by jumping to the visual search, drawing the customer attention, and serving them with perfection.

Social Media Stories

With the growing trend of social media stories, it has become important for marketers to adopt this format for promotions as well.

First Snapchat introduced the concept of ‘My Story’, which was followed by Instagram and Facebook. Even Youtube came up with its own stories concept by the name of ‘Reels’.

As the stories disappear after a set of time, there always prevails a fear of missing out. Hence, it can yield quick and good views further providing a scope of expansion.

Voice search and smart speakers

With the increase in voice searches, businesses have been compelled to rethink their marketing strategies. Audio search has taken an auspicious place in the digital world by decreasing the efforts of people and providing them with the results through audios only. A person need not type his query, just a voice command is enough. The artificial intelligence is getting smarter and mistakes committed by these audio assistants are getting reduced.

Smart Speakers like Alexa and Google Home have also become a striving part of the business world. Businesses are now trying to include these gadgets in their working to increase the efficiency and be parallel to the latest technology.


2019 is definitely going to be a milestone in the digital advancements. With the expected increase in usage of Artificial Intelligence, businesses would get better and the competition of the digital world would touch a new level.

But you need not worry, for Techies Infotech, the best Digital Marketing Agency is here to help you out. With the perfect alignment with the advancements in the technology, we are here to provide the best services and consultation for your business advancement strategies.

Deepak Kumar

I am an out of box thinker, mentor, digital marketing consultant to many businesses, love the software development industry, and even help businesses choosing the right technology for their product. I am an integrated marketer with extensive experience in the field to create profitable programs and provide innovative marketing and branding strategies to increase revenues, drive brand awareness, and solidify customer relationships. I educate businesses on how to leverage emerging technologies and digital marketing to stand out from the noise.

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